“Cancer can touch you, but not your soul; neither your thoughts, nor your heart.”
Mike Redmond
Mike Redmond is a family man and successful business man. Mike married his beautiful wife, Michelle, 24 years ago and started a family. He has a son Tyler, 22 years old and a daughter Lauren, 19 years old. Mike has worked in the car sales industry for many years. In late 2017 Mike went for a routine physical and, due to his age, he was sent for a FIT test (Fecal Immunochemical Test). This test retuned a miniscule amount of blood in the analysis. This lead to more testing.
Mike was sent for a colonoscopy December 19, 2017 as a routine test for blood found in the FIT (Fecal Immunochemical Test). This test confirmed something that would change Mike and his family’s life in many ways. Mike was told immediately that he had Colon Cancer. Mike would continue consultations with his doctor and doctors at the Cross Cancer Clinic and would later be told it was an advanced Stage 3 Colon Cancer.
Through more scans and testing Mike would find out he had a sizable tumor protruding his cecum and was booked in for surgery February 1, 2018 to remove the tumour, cecum, ascending colon, partial transverse colon and 20 plus lymph nodes. On March 14, 2018 Mike started Chemotherapy. These treatments would take him through a 7 month process that had him receive 196 doses of chemotherapy. The treatments took a heavy physical toll on Mike. However, he never missed a beat. Mike made sure his treatments and his fight didn’t impact others in any way. Mike ensured his family came first, this included his home family and work family. He was always there for them when he was needed and didn’t miss a day.
No matter how difficult the days were, or how the chemotherapy made Mike feel both physically or mentally, he never had a “bad” day. Mike always kept an upbeat, positive attitude and always had that Mike smile and laugh we have all come to know. Mike is in remission at this time and will continue to monitor his Cancer. This means on top of his quarterly visits to his oncologist he will also have blood tests every 3 weeks, 2 CT scans a year, 1 Colonoscopy.
Mike would like to thank the numerous doctors, nurses, pharmacists, radiology technicians, support staff and volunteers at the Cross Cancer Clinic for all of the support and guidance through this journey.
Last but not least Mike would like to say thank you to his wife of 24 years Michelle, his children Tyler and Lauren for standing by his side through this journey and to the countless friends and co-workers thank you for your support.
Let’s keep fighting for a cure, let’s keep supporting those who need it!